Sunday Morning Service
Sundays: 10:30 - 11:45am
Every Sunday morning up and down the country, millions of Christians meet together to worship God and Brentwood Baptist Church is no exception. Our weekly service starts at 10.30am and is for all ages, with Family Church activities for ages 0-14. Communion is included in the service on the first Sunday of each month.
Worship will normally include prayers, praise in music, giving, reading the Bible and the sharing of God’s message. Visitors are very welcome.
Home Groups
Church doesn’t just happen in the main building and it doesn’t just happen on a Sunday. Living life as a Christian is a lifelong journey, so throughout the week smaller groups of Christians will meet up at various houses at various times on various days to share in fellowship.
As you’ve probably picked up there are various options to choose from so there will definitely be one to suit your situation. We’d love to get you connected with one of the house groups so you can grow in understanding and faith with everyone else.
Prayer Meetings
Tuesdays: 7pm - 8pm and first tuesdays: 4- 5pm
The Bible describes prayer as conversation, listening, adoration and countless other things. Speaking to and listening to God is central to the life of the Church which is why we meet up regularly to pray.
This isn’t the only time that we pray but it is an important time as it is set aside purely for the practice of coming before God in prayer. Anything brought to the attention of the church, through direct contact or through the prayer wall, will be prayed for, so if you are in need of a touch from God please get in contact as we believe he will meet with you.
Our weekly prayer meeting is continuing on Zoom at 7pm on Tuesdays. Please email office@brentwoodbaptist.org.uk for log in details.
We also meet at church on the first Tuesday of the month 4-5pm. All are welcome.
MONdays: 10:30am - 1pm
Brentwood Baptist Church opens the front doors of the Church in Kings Road to friends and passers by, encouraging them to drop in for a free cup of tea, coffee and a chat. Pop in and enjoy meeting some new friends.
You can also bring any questions you have about Church life, being a Christian or the Christian faith.